Influential Recipes
Stocks on the Move, book by Andreas F. Clenow (French version by me!)
Quantitative Momentum, book by Wesley R. Gray and Jack R. Vogel
The Ivey Portfolio, book by Eric W. Richardson and Mebane Faber
Way of the Turtle, book by Curtis M. Faith
Adaptive Asset Allocation, book by Adam Butler and Michael Philbrick
Smarter Investing in any Economy, book by Michael J. Carr
Value and Momentum Everywhere, paper by Asness, Moskowitz and Pedersen
Returns to Buying Winners and Selling Losers, paper by Jegadeesh and Titman
Relative Strength and Portfolio Management, paper by John Lewis
Relative Strength Strategies for Investing, paper by Meb Faber
Does Trend Following Work on Stocks? paper by Cole Wilcox and Eric Crittenden